A Level and BTEC Results Day Info

Your results will be sent to your college email at 8am on Thursday 17 August. You need to make sure that you have access to your college email. Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
You are invited to attend college on Results Day between 10am and 12 noon to meet with your friends and teachers. A light brunch will be provided and we’ll also take some photos for our social media accounts to celebrate all your successes!
Once you have your results, help and guidance will be available if you need it. If you wish to access this support, please email careers@connell.ac.uk and we’ll contact you.
If you have any queries about your results, such as how to request a review of grades, please email exams@connell.ac.uk. We’ll then provide advice and let you know about costs. This communication must come from you via your college email address.
If you feel unduly anxious about your results and need to access some support please refer to Ali’s end-of-term email which gives you a list of where to access support.
If you’re interested in how results are being awarded this year, Ofqual have released a blog that’s worth a read, ‘what happens after you have taken your exams or assessments’.