Our Policies
Can't find the policy you need or have questions? Please pop in or get in touch.
Some policies are Trust-wide, find them here. These include:
- Anti Fraud and Corruption Framework
- Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Charges and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy
- Educational Visits Policy
- Equality Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Reserves Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
- Treasury and Investment Management Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
All Connell policies are reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum and following any changes in statutory guidance or best practice recommendations from the DfE.
- Access Arrangements Policy 2024/25
- Admissions Policy 2024/25
- Attendance Policy 2024/25
- Bereavement Policy 2024/25
- CEIAG Programme 2024/25
- Charging and Remission Policy for College Activities 2024/25
- Child Protection and Safeguarding 'Explainer' for Students 2024/25
- Curriculum Statement 2024/25
- Dogs On Site Policy 2024/25
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Objectives 2024/25
- Exam Contingency Plan 2024/25
- First Aid Policy 2024/25
- Intimate Care Policy 2024/25
- Looked After Children (LAC) Policy 2024/25
- Online Safety Policy 2024/25
- Positive Handling Policy 2024/25
- Preventing Bullying Policy 2024/25
- Privacy Policy (Applicants, Students, Parents & Carers) 2024/25
- Professional Conduct Policy 2024/25
- Provider Access Legislation (PAL) 2024/25
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024/25
- SEND Policy 2024/25
- Student-Parent/Carer Agreement 2024/25
- Waste & Recycling Policy 2024/25
If you need paper copies of any policies, please get in touch
If you wish to make a complaint, you should do so in accordance with our Trust Complaints Policy
The procedure allows parents, carers or anyone else to raise a concern or complaint to the college or Co-op Academies Trust.
The procedure is divided into three stages:
- Stage One (The Informal Stage) – You should speak to a staff member to see if they can resolve the issue.
- Stage Two (The Formal Stage) – You should put your complaint in writing to the Principal or another senior member of staff. Where the complaint is against the Principal, you should write to the Chair of our Academy Community Council, Lloyd Thomas by email: info@connell.ac.uk (FAO Lloyd Thomas) or by letter to: Lloyd Thomas, Chair of Academy Community Council, Connell Co-op College, 301 Alan Turing Way, Manchester M11 3BS.
- Stage Three (Formal Resolution) – This is the final stage. It involves a panel hearing with Community Council Members and an independent person who will review the complaint in its entirety.
Want to find out how we manage your personal information?
For details on how we manage your personal information please refer to our data protection policies and privacy notices:
If you would like to make a request for information, please contact our Data Protection Ambassador on the main school phone number.