Connell’s First Iftar

Last night, we ran our first college Iftar which was attended by over 60 students and staff.
Iftar is one of the religious observances of Ramadan, where members of the Muslim community gather to break their fast together.
The event started at 5.30pm in the Hive (student chillout space) with an introduction from the principal, followed by two students – Salma and Ahmed – delivering speeches.
Salma, a Year 13 student who helped organise the event, used her speech to welcome everyone to the event: “As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh – which means ‘peace and blessings be upon you all’.” She explained the significance of Ramadan to Muslims – a month of fasting, reflection, and spiritual growth, as well as about giving, kindness, charity, and community.
Ahmed, a fellow Year 13 student who also helped to organise the event, was up next and used his speech to delve further into the history and meaning of the holy month. He touched upon teachings to use the month to introduce good habits into our lives and leave bad ones behind, as well to be mindful of our actions, and remember those less fortunate.
We then moved through to our Main Hall, which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, where the fast was broken with dates and water. A student then led the Adhan (call to prayer) and some students prayed. This was then followed by a delicious curry.
Salma, reflecting after the event, said: “The Iftar was so beautiful to organise and attend. No matter our backgrounds, faiths, or traditions, we are all part of one community, supporting and learning from each other. This event was testament to that spirit.”
Ahmed, reflecting after the event, said: “We decided to organise this Iftar event to provide a reminder to our fellow students about the origins and rules of Ramadan, whilst also having fun and creating a diverse community in college. Thanks to Connell and Emma for giving us this opportunity.”
Nabila, one of our Progression Tutors who helped to organise the event, said: "The students embodied the spirit of Ramadan beautifully, from the heartfelt speeches reflecting upon the significance of fasting during the month, to the stunning Adhan and recitations from one of our students, and praying together in the hall. It was incredible! It really signified the true spirit and diversity of the community here at Connell."
Emma Soper, Principal of Connell Co-op College, said: “When our students make suggestions, we always try to act on them. The Iftar was their idea and with a bit of help from staff and our caterers, we made it happen. It was a really special evening, celebrating our community and our diversity. A first for Connell but an event that I know will be here to stay.”