Time to Talk Day, parent + carer event, 7 March

We'd like to invite you to our annual Time to Talk Day event, Thursday 7 March, 4.30-7pm at Connell.
Arrive from 4.30pm for refreshments and the opportunity to chat to staff. The event starts at 5pm and finishes at 7pm.
There will be a short presentation followed by a series of mini workshops where you will have the opportunity to meet other parents and connect with our college support team. Topics to be covered, include:
- Connell’s Universal Offer
- Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme
- Exam anxiety
- Next steps
- Attendance
- How to support your child
- Coaching
- Teenage brain at home
- Safeguarding and mental health
Please RSVP to let us know if you're attending.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 7th.