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First Aid Policy 2024/25

First Aid Policy

Policy details:

  • Responsible staff - Emma Soper / Padraic Downes
  • Policy administrator - Christine Butterfield
  • Approving body - Governors

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide trained persons, equipment etc, to deal with First Aid emergencies and ill health occurring at work. This policy outlines Connell Co-op College’s responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate First Aid to students, staff, parents and carers and visitors and the procedures in place to meet that responsibility. This document should be read in conjunction with the Health and Safety Policy.

The academy recognises that First Aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. This document has been prepared to provide guidance on the policy and procedures for dealing with First Aid at Connell. The requirements for the statutory provision of First Aid have been taken into full

account to ensure that it will provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and qualified First Aid personnel. Failure to implement the procedures contained in this document could result in a criminal offence as well as disciplinary action being taken by the academy. This policy is informed by the DfE’s Guidance on First Aid for Schools and is reviewed annually.


  • To identify the First Aid needs of the academy in line with The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
  • To ensure that First Aid provision is available at all times while people are on academy premises, and also off the premises whilst on academy duty.


  • To appoint the appropriate number of suitably trained people as Appointed Persons and First Aiders to meet the needs of the academy.
  • To provide relevant training and ensure monitoring of training needs .
  • To provide sufficient and appropriate resources and facilities.
  • To inform staff and students of the academy’s First Aid arrangements.
  • To keep accident records and to report to the HSE as required under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995).


The Principal is responsible for the health and safety of their employees and anyone else on the premises. This includes staff, pupils and visitors (including contractors).

They must ensure that a risk assessment of the academy is undertaken and that the appointments, training and resources for First Aid arrangements are appropriate and in place.

They should ensure that the insurance arrangements provide full cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their employment.

The Principal is responsible for putting the policy into practice and for developing detailed procedures.

The Principal should ensure that the policy and information on the academy’s arrangements for First Aid are made available to parents and carers.

All staff are expected to do all they can to secure the welfare of the students.

First Aiders and Appointed Persons


A First Aider is a person who has attended, successfully completed and has a valid certificate for the three day ‘First Aid at Work’ training course approved by the HSE. This is a voluntary post.

Appointed Person means a person who has attended, successfully completed and has a valid certificate for the ‘Appointed Persons’ training.

First Aid means the following:

  • Cases where a person will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse,
  • Treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury and illness until such help is obtained,
  • Treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or do not need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse.

First Aiders and Appointed Persons

An Appointed Person is someone who:

  • Takes charge when someone is injured or becomes ill
  • Looks after the First Aid equipment eg restocking First Aid supplies
  • Ensures that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate.

Appointed Persons are not First Aiders. They should not give First Aid treatment for which they have not been trained. However, it is good practice to ensure that Appointed Persons have Emergency First Aid training/refresher training, as appropriate. These courses do not require HSE approval. They normally last four hours and cover the following topics:

  • What to do in an emergency;
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation);
  • First Aid for the unconscious casualty;
  • First Aid for the wounded or bleeding.

Emergency First Aid training should help an Appointed Person cope with an emergency and improve their competence and confidence.

The First Aiders and Appointed Persons role includes:

  • The administration of First Aid, up to but not exceeding the level of their training.
  • Ensuring that any incident and treatment given is recorded in a suitable local register.
  • Reporting immediately to SLT, all incidents requiring the attendance of a student, member of staff or any person at hospital.
  • Ensuring that all spillages of body fluids are cleared up promptly.
  • Ensuring that appropriate documentation is completed and that reportable (more serious) accidents are reported to them as soon as possible after dealing with the immediate effects.

The First Aiders and Appointed Persons responsibilities include:

  • Attending an initial approved training course approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
  • Reporting any illness or injuries (to the Principle) which would preclude their abilities to administer First Aid, in order for the academy to arrange alternative cover.
  • First Aiders also have a responsibility to attend a three yearly refresher training course. (They should attend this course before the expiry of their previous accreditation or they will have to complete the initial training course again).

First Aid should be provided where a person will need further medical treatment until such help arrives, and for the treatment of minor injuries. It should be noted that the treatment of minor illnesses, by the administration of tablets or medicines, falls outside the definition of First Aid.

The role of the First Aider is to provide care after an accident or injury including preserving life, minimising further damage and making the patient as comfortable as possible until professional medical or nursing help is available. It is not to give treatment.

The role of a member of staff discovering a serious injury or illness is to make contact with the HIVE or Reception and, when necessary, take charge until qualified assistance is available.

Those staff will then contact a First Aid qualified person and contact the emergency services if needed.

In the result of the emergency services being needed please contact facilities so that deployment of staff can be made to assist them to the casualty. all senior staff and facilities are contactable by radio.

The First Aider will decide on whether or not the ill or injured party should move, be moved, or remain undisturbed, and may have to take other appropriate action, depending on the assessment of the situation.

In the case of a serious incident, available staff should also seek to ensure the safety and welfare of other students in the area.

Indemnity and Insurance

Where an employee acting in the course of their employment administers First Aid assistance to another employee or other person in the charge of the academy, such as a student, they will be indemnified by the liability insurance for a claim of negligence relating to injury or loss caused by their actions, provided that:

  • They are an academy officially designated First Aider with a current valid First Aid at Work Certificate and have attended relevant refresher training.
  • They are an academy officially designated Appointed Person with a current valid Appointed Persons Training Certificate and have attended relevant refresher training.
  • The relevant protective equipment (PPE) is used.
  • The First Aider or Appointed Person is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of their training and the First Aider or Appointed Person is acting in good faith.

Use of the ‘Epi Pen’

Members of staff who have been trained in the use of the ‘Epi Pen’ whether by a parent/carer, user or medical staff, will also be covered provided that:

  • The member of staff is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of their training.
  • That the member of staff is acting in good faith.


Risk assessment

Reviews are required to be carried out at least annually, and when circumstances alter, at the request of the Principal. Recommendations on measures needed to prevent or control identified risks are forwarded to the Principal.

Re-assessment of First Aid provision 

As part of the academy’s annual monitoring and evaluation cycle:

  • The Principal reviews the academy’s First Aid needs following any changes to staff, building/site, activities, off-site facilities, etc.
  • The designated Health and Safety Officer monitors the number of trained First Aiders, alerts them to the need for refresher courses and organises their training sessions.
  • The designated Health and Safety Officer also monitors the emergency First Aid training received by other staff and organises appropriate training.

Providing information

  • The Principal will inform all staff (including those with reading and language difficulties) of the First Aid arrangements, including the location of equipment, facilities and First Aid personnel, and the procedures for monitoring and reviewing the academy’s First Aid needs.

The Health and Safety Officer 

  • Provides information packs for new staff as part of their induction programme.
  • Gives all staff information on the location of equipment, facilities and First Aid.
  • First Aid Notices will be displayed in a prominent place.


How many First Aid personnel are required? 

The Principal will consider the findings of the risk assessment in deciding on the number of First Aid personnel required. Academies are low risk environments, but the Head of Academy will consider the needs of specific times, places and activities in deciding on their provision. In particular they should consider:

  • Off-site PE
  • Academy trips
  • Science labs
  • DT/Art rooms
  • Adequate provision in case of absence, including trips
  • Out-of-hours provision e.g. clubs, events

Arrangements should be made to ensure that the required level of cover of both First Aider and Appointed Persons is available at all times when people are on academy premises.

Qualifications and Training

First Aiders will hold a valid certificate of competence, issued by an organisation approved by the HSE. Specialist training in First Aid (FAAW) should be arranged in a three year cycle.

First Aid materials, equipment and facilities 

The Principal must ensure that the appropriate number of First Aid kits are available. See HSE guidelines on recommended and mandatory contents.

  • All First Aid kits must be marked with a white cross on a green background.
  • First Aid kits must accompany sport teachers off-site.

First Aid kits should be kept near to hand washing facilities and can be found in the following areas:

  • HIVE
  • Main office
  • Reception
  • Science prep room
  • Sports hall store

Dealing with Blood and Body Fluid Spills 

Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and excreta should be cleaned up promptly. The following general actions must be taken by the person dealing with the spill:

  • Clear the immediate area of people. Hazard signs and cordoning may be necessary, according to the circumstances.
  • Disposable personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves (latex or nitrile) or equivalent and a disposable plastic apron must be worn.
  • Any spilt blood or other body fluids should be cleaned up, either with disposable absorbent paper towels or with an appropriate sanitizing product.

Waste Disposal

Waste created by the administration of first aid is categorised as hazardous as it may contain bodily fluids. However, in most circumstances and premises the amount produced is minimal and as such special arrangements for disposal are not required.

Ensure clinical waste bags are available in staff changing (medical) rooms, and reception for disposal of any used PPE

Reporting Accidents

Statutory requirements: under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) some accidents must be reported to the HSE.

The Head of Academy must keep a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence. This must include: the date and method of reporting; the date, time and place of the event; personal details of those involved and a brief description of the nature of the event or disease. This record can be combined with other accident records on the Parrago system.

The following accidents must be reported to the HSE involving employees or self-employed people working on the premises:

  • Accidents resulting in death or major injury (including as a result of physical violence).
  • Accidents which prevent the injured person from doing their normal work for more than three days.

For definitions, see HSC/E guidance on RIDDOR1995, and information on Reporting Academy Accidents (Annex A).

Accidents involving students and visitors

In the case of any accidents that result in the person being killed or being taken from the site of the accident to hospital and if the accident arises out of or in connection with work i.e. if it relates to:

  • Any academy activity, both on or off the premises.
  • The way the Academy activity has been organised and managed.
  • Equipment, machinery or substances.
  • The design or condition of the premises.

HSE (RIDDOR) must be notified of fatal and major injuries and dangerous occurrences without delay.

HSE will be notified of fatal and major injuries and dangerous occurrences without delay (i.e. by telephone). This will be followed up within ten days with a written report on Form 2508. Other reportable accidents do not need immediate notification, but they will be reported to HSE within ten days on Form 2508.

The Head of Academy is responsible for ensuring this happens, but may delegate the duty to the Facilities Manager.

Record keeping 

Statutory accident records: The Principal must ensure that readily accessible accident records, written or electronic, are kept for a minimum of seven years.

Academy’s central record: This can be combined with the RIDDOR record andParago online, providing all legislation requirements are met. The white copy of the first aid form is kept either in the HIVE or Admin corridor. This could also be collected from the staff shared Google Drive.

The Principal must ensure that a record is kept of any first aid treatment given by first aiders or appointed persons. This should include:

  • The date, time and place of incident
  • The name of the injured person
  • Details of their injury and what first aid was given
  • What happened to the person immediately afterwards
  • Name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident.

The Principal must have in place procedures for ensuring that parents are informed of significant incidents. All head injuries should be reported to parents/carers as soon as possible. If first aid is administered to a student it will be recorded in Arbor


Accident records can be used to help the Principle and Health and Safety Officer identify trends and areas for improvement. They also could help to identify training or other needs and may be useful for insurance or investigative purposes.

The Principal should establish a regular review and analysis of accident records.

People with minor injuries should report to any member of staff.

Students needing first aid during a lesson should be referred to Student Services by the teacher, who will then call for the First Aider on duty. They should be accompanied by a member of staff if the injury is more serious.

If it would further endanger the student then the nearest First Aider should be called to the casualty and Reception informed.

Casualties with suspected fractures or back or neck injuries must not be moved unless directed by the ambulance personnel. For the patient’s safety and insurance reasons, they must NOT be moved on the instructions of ANY bystander.

Injuries and accidents that occur during non contact and break times should be dealt with in a similar way by the Duty Staff.

In more serious cases, where hospital attention is deemed necessary an ambulance will be called and the parent/carer:

  • Contacted by the Pastoral Manager or, in their absence, a member of the SLT.
  • In the absence of a parent/carer, a member of staff must accompany the student to the hospital and remain there until the parent arrives.
  • If a parent/carer cannot be contacted, the Academy will act in loco parentis and give permission for any emergency treatment.

Procedures for First Aid Staff

The academy will not allow under any circumstances the administration of non-prescription medicines in the academy.

First Aid should only be administered in response to an immediate and serious medical problem. No treatment or procedure should be attempted for which formal training has not been undertaken. All head injuries must be reported to the parent/carer.

Parents of students who have received First Aid must be advised at the earliest opportunity of the incident, the injury and the action taken. Any injury has to be recorded in the First Aid book, the white copy should be passed to the Facilities Manager to log on the Parago system.

All members of the site team, pastoral managers and sport staff will be trained first aiders.

Staff who regularly take pupils out on school trips, visits and fixtures should consider being first aid trained.