Student-Parent/Carer Agreement
Student-Parent/Carer-College Agreement for Academic Year 2024/25
The Student Agreement
1.0 Student Enrolment Agreement
1.1 I certify that the information provided at enrolment is accurate and correct. I have checked my personal details, address and courses.
1.2 I confirm that the country I regard as home (my country of residence) is England.
1.3 I have received advice and guidance at my interview(s) which covered:
a) The suitability of my learning programme
b) The career implications
c) The entry requirements
d) Any additional support needs
2.0 Student Conduct Commitment:
2.1 I agree to attend on time and contribute professionally to all timetabled lessons. I will
- attend other sessions/meetings as requested by college staff
- meet deadlines for academic work
- give my full commitment to my studies.
2.2 I will communicate any absences or lateness promptly and professionally, taking responsibility to catch up with anything I have missed.
2.3 I understand that my place at college will be at risk if my attendance falls below 92%.
2.4 If I am struggling with my academic progress or health and well-being, I will inform the College and seek help. When I am offered support, I will accept it.
2.5 I agree to act according to the College’s expectations, the ‘ways of being’ and to conduct myself in a professional manner at all times including
- My conduct towards staff
- My conduct towards members of the college and members of the public
- My conduct on the college premises
- My adherence to the college dress code*
- My use of technology including AI, email, mobile phones and social media
*Dress Code: You should dress in a way that is appropriate for your study programme. Clothing that is see-through or does not cover your body appropriately is not permitted even during hot weather. No offensive slogans or wording are to be worn. When in a classroom all hats and coats should be removed. Head coverings for religious or Cultural reasons are permitted. A durag or hat may be permitted for a one off day/short period of time at the discretion of College staff.
2.6 I will abide my the security arrangements at the College ensuring that
- I always wear my College ID Lanyard visibly whenever in the building
- I never allow a member of the public to enter the college premises - I understand that all visitors must have an appointment and signed in at reception
2.7 I understand that the College is a no vaping and no smoking site (inside and outside)
2.8 I will never bring into the college premises items which are illegal or that could harm or cause distress to others. I understand that doing so will put my place at the college at risk.
2.9 I understand that if I plagiarise through the use of content or AI, or break the rules for an assessment, I may be disqualified from my course and loose my place at the college
2.10 I will never enter the ‘blue pitch’ area or Football Academy buildings (adjacent to the college) unless accompanied by a member of staff. I recognise that doing so is trespassing.
3.0 Student Responsibility
3.1 I confirm that I will read all the information contained within the Student Handbook and I agree to fully abide by the policies and procedures contained within. I understand the Student Handbook will be subject to regular updates and it is my responsibility to ensure that I have read and understood any changes as directed by the College.
3.2 I understand that failure to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook will put my place at Connell Co-op College at risk.
3.3 I understand that I am responsible for abiding by the college’s classroom expectations without being reminded by staff.
3.4 I understand the expectations of the college with regards to independent study. I will commit to completing 15 hours of independent study each week in accordance with the 50:50 rule. I will plan and record how I use this time in my college planner.
4.0 Use of Technology and Social Media - The Acceptable Use of IT Agreement
4.1 I will not take any videos or still images of members of the college or assist others to do so without consent.
4.2 I will not record any videos or still images on the college premises unless instructed to do so as part of my learning.
4.3 I understand that I must use College IT systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the IT systems and other users.
For my own personal safety and that of others:
- I understand that the College will monitor my use of the IT systems, email and other digital communications.
- I will treat my username and password with care and never share my password with anyone
- I will be aware of “stranger danger”, when I am communicating on-line.
- I will not disclose or share personal information about myself or others when on-line.
- I will immediately report any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable when I see it on-line.
- I will not open emails from suspicious addresses or download attachments for unknown sources
4.4 I understand that everyone has equal rights to use technology as a resource and:
- I understand that the College IT systems are primarily intended for educational use
- I will not make large downloads or uploads that might take up internet capacity and prevent other users from being able to carry out their work.
- I will not use the College IT systems for on-line gaming, and or on-line gambling, internet shopping, Proxy Avoidance, file sharing, or video broadcasting (e.g. YouTube)
4.5 I will act with respect and trust.
- I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files, without the owner’s knowledge and permission.
- I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others, I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language and I appreciate that others may have different opinions.
4.6 I recognise that the College has a responsibility to maintain the security and integrity of the technology it offers me and to ensure the smooth running of the College:
4.7 When using the internet for research or recreation, I recognise that:
- I should ensure that I have permission to use the original work of others in my own work.
- Where work is protected by copyright, I will not try to download copies (including music and videos).
- When I am using the internet to find information, I should take care to check that the information that I access is accurate, as I understand that the work of others may not be truthful and may be a deliberate attempt to mislead me.
- I will follow the guidelines set out in my course handbook about the use of AI as part of my studies and within any pieces of work that I produce. I understand that failure to do so may lead to disqualification from my course and the loss of my place at the college.
4.8 I understand that I am responsible for my actions, both in and out of College:
- I understand that the College also has the right to take action against me if I am involved in incidents of inappropriate behaviour, that are covered in this agreement, when I am out of College and where they involve my membership of the College community (examples would be cyber-bullying, use of images or personal information).
- I understand that if I fail to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, I will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include contact with parents/carers, loss of access to the College network / internet, suspension or in extreme cases the withdrawal of your place at college and, in the event of illegal activities, involvement of the police.
4.9 At Connell Co-op College, we respect people's identity and do not tolerate discriminatory behaviour and derogatory language whether in public spheres or seemingly private spheres including the following types of discriminatory behaviour: sexual orientation, religious discrimination, national origin, gender, gender identity or disability. Students who engage in such behaviour risk suspension or in serious or repeated cases, the withdrawal of their place in the College.
Expectations of student are as follows:
- Social media video posts - students are not permitted to record staff / students / college life on their phones within the College site and post this on any form of social media whether public or private. Students will risk their place in the College should they do so.
- Abusive social media texts and images - any abusive or discriminatory content in any form of social media risks students losing their place in the sixth form. This includes private social media posts which then become public.
- Bringing the College into disrepute - behaviour outside College that potentially damages the reputation of the College (or its members) may result in a student losing their place in the College. This includes private social media posts which subsequently become public.
- Reporting and supporting investigations - students are expected to report inappropriate conduct by others that presents a risk of harm to the reputation or wellbeing of themselves or another and to support the College with any investigations by showing an investigating member of staff social media posts as requested.
5.0 Declaration for consent to contact Parents/Carer
I understand that the College will continue to share data information with my Parents/Carers whilst I am enrolled at the College unless I inform them otherwise. I understand it is my responsibility to email and inform them that I do not wish any data to be shared with my Parents/Carer. Only in very rare circumstances will a student be able to continue at the college without consent to the data sharing agreement such as when there is a risk of harm, confirmed by the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
[To be signed by the STUDENT electronically by Google Form as part of the enrolment process.]
The Parent/Carer Agreement
6.0 I understand that I will be able to monitor my child’s academic progress, attendance and conduct on a daily basis through Arbor. I understand that although I will be notified at regular intervals about my child’s attendance, punctuality, progress and conduct, it is my responsibility to regularly check this in Arbor and to read emails that are sent to me by the College.
6.2 I will inform the College if any of my personal contact information changes.
6.3 I give my consent for my child to access youtube while on the College site or when using a college device offsite.
6.4 I understand my child needs to attend and contribute to all timetabled lessons, attend other sessions requested by staff including during ‘free periods’ if necessary, meet work deadlines and give full commitment to their studies. I will work with the College when this is not the case.
6.5 Unlike a school, I understand that my child is able to notify the college of an absence themselves and that this is encouraged as part of readiness for professional life.
6.6 My child will abide by the standards set out in this agreement and college policies, in particular the Professional Conduct Policy.
6.7 I understand if I have any concerns about my child’s progress or wellbeing , I should contact
6.8 I give my consent that my child may attend any non residential organised day-time trip unless I inform the college otherwise.These typically include visits to local universities, museums or other public spaces. The College will always notify parents of visits in advance so that you can withdraw consent if required.
If you wish your child to opt out of an organised college trip, you must inform at least 48 hours before the trip commences.
[To be signed electronically by a PARENT/CARER using a Google Form sent via email following enrolment/start of the academic year.]
The College Agreement
6.0 College Commitment to Students:
6.1 Connell Co-op College will support the achievement of your learning goals with high quality tuition and guidance to ensure you leave the College ready for your Next Steps as a ‘work ready co-operator’.
6.2 Connell Co-op College will provide a safe working and learning environment where all members of the College community can thrive and feel valued and respected.
6.3 The College will notify the designated parent/carer of any concerns we have about your progress or wellbeing through the contact details you have provided and by regular updates to the Arbor system.
6.4 The College will ensure that when a student needs additional support through external services, families are given the necessary contact details and advice to help them access the help they need.
6.5 The College is committed to responding swiftly to any concerns or complaints. You can do this in person to any member of staff you feel able to approach or via email to
For further information on our policies, including our complaints procedure, please visit our website.