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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We welcome applications from students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Students with an Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) who are considering applying should ask their school SENCo to contact us before making an application so that we can see if we can support your needs. We try to work closely with the appropriate councils, including Manchester City Council, to help students with SEND to be educated in mainstream education where families request this.

We liaise with parents to understand the student's needs and whether our college is the most appropriate educational setting.

We provide students with support to access the full curriculum through quality first teaching. We do not currently have any provision for additional in-class support. 

Some SEND students receive additional support outside the classroom to help them make good progress in lessons. What this support looks like and how often it takes place depends on their needs.

We have experience of supporting a range of SEND, including:

  • Cognition and learning needs such as dyslexia.
  • Communication and interaction needs such as high-functioning autism.
  • Sensory and/or physical needs including visual or hearing impairment and a variety of medical conditions.
  • Social and emotional wellbeing, and mental health (SEMH) needs.


If you have any questions or complaints about our provision, please contact our SEND Co-ordinator, Rhian Brady on: 0161 231 9200 or by


You may find it helpful to view our SEN Information Report 2021 which provides a detailed overview of our SEND provision. Read this alongside our policies. You may also wish to view our Accessibility Plan – September 2023 and our SEND FAQs. 


For more information about SEND provision within Manchester for post-16 students, contact Information, Advice and Support service, Westwood Street, Moss Side, Manchester, M14 4PH, by phone 0161 209 8356 or by email


Find out about the local SEND support and facilities: